Use sunscreens in wintertime
Why is Face Protection Important in the Winter?
When we think of sun protection, we often associate it with hot summer days spent at the beach. However, it's important to remember that the sun's harmful rays can still damage our skin during the winter months. In fact, snow can reflect up to 80% of the sun's UV radiation, increasing the risk of sunburn and skin damage.

Why Kirsten Cameron, world record holder long distance swimming loves Happinesz Mineral Sunscreens
My name is Kirsten Cameron and I am a swimmer from New Zealand. I have swum in a lot of countries and done a few long distance swims. I always wear sunscreen and its always to a very high SPF but when I am in water for a while it will usually rub off at some point.
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What the Best Sunscreen to Use Year-Round?
Summer is officially here, which means you're spending a lot more time outdoors. Whether a walk along the beach or a kayak trip on the river, you want to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays. The sun offers health benefits for us but can at the same time leave us with painful burns and skin damage. It would be best to always use sunscreen, but what's equally essential is wearing zinc oxide sunscreen during the summer months.
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